Thursday, May 17, 2012

The Longest Day of Any Rainbow Year

Statewide. Statewide is always the day to end all days. It starts by waking up early, putting your hair up and then you just go and go and go and go until late that night when the dance is over and you can finally go home. We started that day with a cheer before practice because it was important to me for the Grand Officers to be full of energy and excited for the day. I have realized that practice is always the biggest stress for me, if we can get through a whole practice and things go pretty well than I am way less nervous about the actual initiation. After the initiation was the State Mother Advisor and State Rainbow Dad Reception and hoo boy was that room crowded. There was barely room to move anywhere but it all worked out okay. The addendum were really fun and I never thought I would try to fit my whole hoop skirt into a potato sack, but I was trying to win for my teammate. Mentioning this event is not complete without bring up the Victoria Chapter Boys Choir, it was so fantastic that people are still talking about it. When members of Victoria Chapter see me and realize I am a member of Rainbow the first question is "Oh did you see the boys choir at the SMA/SRD reception, that was our chapter!" Finally, the announcement of the Grand Pages. This brings back so much of the excitement of Grand Officer announcements. It was especially exciting because I had the opportunity to get to know most of the girls who were announced as Grand Pages and so it was even more exciting for me when they were announced. After babbling on and on and almost crying trying to explain the great appreciation I have for our wonderful State Mother Advisor and State Rainbow Dad that portion of the day was over. Then I was able to go out to dinner with the Grand Line at one of my favorite Salem restaurants the Willamette Noodle Company, where you get to draw on the tables and there are like 5 different kinds of Mac and Cheese served. Finally we got back and went straight to work recruiting for the Talent Show. Man there was a lot of talented people this year. The dance was lots of fun and I could tell the girls enjoyed. We ended the day with a nice sleepover. I really enjoyed myself and although the day was long and exhausting it was one of the best days this year.

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