Thursday, March 1, 2012

Metro West OV/GOR

Ahhhhhh!!!! I cannot express how excited I am for it to finally be the season of Official Visits and Grand Officer Receptions. Some people talk about the difficult scheduling of the Official Visits and Grand Officer Receptions separately but sometimes I really wish that was the way it still was because I love these events so much and I just can't get enough of them so I want more of them to be happening. Having the Willamette Valley West District OV/GOR in the fall was such a great teaser of what I'm sure are the amazing things to come. Enough rambling lets get down to business (to defeat the huns!) This Official Visit and Grand Officer Reception was an Around the World in 80 Days theme. It was adorable. You walk in the room and one of the first things that you see is these two rainbow colored Hot Air Balloon decorations. I should of predicted that they would expect me to drive one of those things. That is okay though, they gave me goggles and a scarf so I felt like Snoopy from the Red Baron video.
When I was in said Hot Air Balloon flying not exactly in a straight line (because come on, where is the fun in that) I got to visit all of these cool countries represented by Rainbow Girls which was awesome (is that a positive adjective I haven't used yet? I know I am bound to repeat some of them). After all of that fun, I still got presents. I swear these girls spoil me. Each assembly gave a wonderfully generous donation to my service project (The Shriners Hospital Recreation Therapy and Movement Arts Program) and together the assemblies got me two gifts. The first was a Office Max paper box!!! I mean there was an adorable fuzzy pillow pet inside it too. Its a baby blue dolphin, he has been hanging out with me at school. During a late night flash of inspiration I decided to name him Max. They also got me a beautiful crystal bowl. I can't wait to use it in my adult life (wow, that sounds a little scary). After the Official Visit it was time for the Grand Officer Reception and I love honoring our gorgeous Soaring Sunflowers. They all work so hard and it has been so great to see them traveling and just representing Rainbow so well. I am especially glad that this year I have taken the time to write each of them a personal letter so I can take more time to tell them the things that I think everyone should hear, like how appreciated they are. It is so important to me to make the most of this year and make as many personal connections as possible.

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