Thursday, May 17, 2012

Grand Court

Grand Court is both scary and really exciting. Its scary because Grand Court is the first of the Grand Sessions for the Masonic Family and to me it is like a sign that this year is coming to end. That is scary to me because at the time of Grand Court I was not at all prepared for Grand Assembly and was not ready for the Grand year to be over yet. This is my second year of attending Grand Court and it has always been really enjoyable. I am happy to be a member of Amaranth so that I can attend all of their sessions and be a part of it all. Last year I was so sick and miserable that I wasn't able to go to everything but it was still fun. This year I was not sick and so I attended every session and was much more active in my participation. I am always happy when I am able to present a piece of Rainbow ritual work to our adult groups because there are some who are not involved with the youth and so do not get a chance to see the effort that we put into our ritual work as well as our non-ritual ceremonies. God's Rainbow is one of my favorites because it not only gives a small overview of all of the lessons, but also ties them all together with how God is a part of each of them. Although this was the beginning of the end, it was a really great beginning. I am grateful that I have the opportunity to work with Marilynn and Dan as well as the time that I have had working with Laura and Jeff. They are all wonderful people and great leaders.

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