Friday, December 9, 2011

The Pledge OV aka my favorite event

I love the Pledge OV. It is my favorite. I look forward to this event every year. It is such a great day full of fun and laughter and excitement and so much energy. The ceremony was so beautiful those little girls did so well on their ritual work, I was so proud of them. They almost made me cry, and I try to be the type of person who doesn't cry at just anything. I also felt extremely honored to be part of the pledge Majority Ceremony. I think it is a great honor to receive your majority from pledge because then you can be welcomed into Rainbow with open arms. I also want to thank Faith for their generous donation to my service project and Hope for the shirt. I am so excited about it, I love the shirt so much and I have been showing it off to all of my Delta Gamma friends who love anchors like me. The pledge OV is one of my happiest memories and I know I will treasure it for years and years and years. I am unbelievably excited about the opportunity to see these pledge girls grow up to be great rainbow girls and maybe someday even be Grand Officers. My heart is full of pride and love for every single one of them. I know this is a short post but I feel like if I continued I would just be repeating myself over and over about how much I love them and how amazing they are and what a wonderful and fun day it was. I hope everyone has taken the chance to color in their coloring books.

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