Friday, December 9, 2011

GWAA Reception & Grand Initiation

I know it has been almost 2 months since the actual event but it is still very important to me to include it in the blog. Part of the reason I'm keeping this is to tell others about the events that we have, but another part is for me to be able to keep it is a memory when this year is over. Emma's reception was pretty awesome. She got her own cooking show, which was really cool. I was really proud of the Grand Officers for being so on the ball with our impromptu addendum. I didn't realize that we were supposed to have one planned and so I scribbled quickly the ingredients for chocolate chip cookies (the only thing i know the ingredients for off the top of my head) and split them in the groups. It actually went off really nicely which makes me happy. I love initiations, I know a lot of people who know me know that because I say it all the time, and so it is no surprise that I was extremely excited for this initiation. I was also really nervous, I just wanted so badly to do well on my ritual work because it is such a beautiful ceremony. At the end of the night it all turned out really well and I am so proud of everyone.

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