Thursday, March 1, 2012

My version of January

January to me means that its installation season which is super exciting. It is really amazing to see all of the new officers take their positions. The themes are also really fun because they really represent the creativity that each Worthy Advisor or Assembly has. Of course I really love hearing the Assembly's goals for the ensuing term because I really want to help with them in any way that I possibly can. I feel especially privileged after this January because I was invited to participate in so many of the installations and I was able to. It was a special treat to be Morgan Welch's installing officer for the 2nd time and to present her with an inflatable tooth because I don't know when in my life I would have ever given someone an inflatable tooth but that was what she really wanted. Morgan's installation was also the event where I got to take 2 pies in the face. I'm waiting for the videos and pictures to come out because I'm sure I made some cute facial expressions during that process. Overall, I think this Installation Season was an amazing success and I look forward to all of the wonderful things that each Assembly will be doing in the upcoming term.

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