Friday, December 9, 2011

The Pledge OV aka my favorite event

I love the Pledge OV. It is my favorite. I look forward to this event every year. It is such a great day full of fun and laughter and excitement and so much energy. The ceremony was so beautiful those little girls did so well on their ritual work, I was so proud of them. They almost made me cry, and I try to be the type of person who doesn't cry at just anything. I also felt extremely honored to be part of the pledge Majority Ceremony. I think it is a great honor to receive your majority from pledge because then you can be welcomed into Rainbow with open arms. I also want to thank Faith for their generous donation to my service project and Hope for the shirt. I am so excited about it, I love the shirt so much and I have been showing it off to all of my Delta Gamma friends who love anchors like me. The pledge OV is one of my happiest memories and I know I will treasure it for years and years and years. I am unbelievably excited about the opportunity to see these pledge girls grow up to be great rainbow girls and maybe someday even be Grand Officers. My heart is full of pride and love for every single one of them. I know this is a short post but I feel like if I continued I would just be repeating myself over and over about how much I love them and how amazing they are and what a wonderful and fun day it was. I hope everyone has taken the chance to color in their coloring books.

Willamette Valley West OV & GOR

This was such a good day. First lets start off with the theme, "Camp Rainbow" what an awesome cute idea. Plus I was an outdoor school counselor during high school which I absolutely loved. It added so much to the effect that they had a campfire and sleeping bags in the middle of the floor. Mrs. Noah's first concern was that they might try to make us get in the sleeping bags as part of the addendum. I don't know if that would have been better or worse than what they actually made us do. For the addendum we had to run back and forth AND try to pop balloons AND color things. It would have been totally fine (actually it was fine and it was lots of fun) but the new GWA crown adjusts based on the size of your head but doesn't stay in place very well, and the more I ran back and forth the more loose it got. I want to thank so much the girls from St. Mary's who held the crown when I realized that I needed to take it off. I do love the chicken dance so it was kind of fun to end it that way. The gift is adorable and hanging up in my room and I think its super awesome that it is chalkboard paint, and I would love to draw on it but I don't want to erase all of the girls name. The mad libs for the Grand Officers and Choir members was awesome too. It was such a wonderful day and I can't wait to see what all of the other Official Visits and Grand Officer receptions will have in store.

GWAA Reception & Grand Initiation

I know it has been almost 2 months since the actual event but it is still very important to me to include it in the blog. Part of the reason I'm keeping this is to tell others about the events that we have, but another part is for me to be able to keep it is a memory when this year is over. Emma's reception was pretty awesome. She got her own cooking show, which was really cool. I was really proud of the Grand Officers for being so on the ball with our impromptu addendum. I didn't realize that we were supposed to have one planned and so I scribbled quickly the ingredients for chocolate chip cookies (the only thing i know the ingredients for off the top of my head) and split them in the groups. It actually went off really nicely which makes me happy. I love initiations, I know a lot of people who know me know that because I say it all the time, and so it is no surprise that I was extremely excited for this initiation. I was also really nervous, I just wanted so badly to do well on my ritual work because it is such a beautiful ceremony. At the end of the night it all turned out really well and I am so proud of everyone.

Catching Up & Fall Visits

I have just been so caught up with everything going on that I haven't had time to blog I feel so bad. So I am going to take my small window of free time (thank goodness for winter break) to catch up on all the blogging that I have missed. This first one will be on all of the visits that I made this fall. I had so much fun on all of these visits and I just can't wait to go back in the spring. It is so interesting to see the things that vary from assembly to assembly. I was most excited to meet and talk to the girls that I haven't had much of a chance to talk to before. I started my visits with Beaverton (and Forest Grove) and those ladies had some great goals, and it was especially interesting for me to hear those interested in holding line officers give their letters before they held elections. At Martha Washington I was really excited to be at Jennifer Chipman's first meeting as Worthy Advisor and she did a great job. My visit at Eugene was especially fun because as a practice they escorted every person who was in attendance at that meeting, it started to get kind of silly towards the end, but we had lots of fun. Visiting Cherry Assembly was especially interesting because they had to kick me out part way through the meeting so that they could discuss their plans for the Official Visit. The week after Grand Initiation was quite busy for me, I made four visits that week. I started the week with Hillsboro's meeting which was so much fun, I got to dress up as a duck and we had a special bunny visitor. Then it was off to Eastern Oregon where I first visited Union, I surprised Casi at her Volleyball game (She did awesome) and then attended their meeting and afterward we all enjoyed lots and lots of Emma's mom's carmel dipping sauce, I have to get that recipe from her. Then Wednesday I was off to Joseph for their meeting. Before their meeting they had a time for pumpkin carving and they even let me carve one. The really special thing about this is that the pumpkins they had for us to carve were kind with instructions to turn them into pie which I did when I got home. My final visit of the week was to St. Marys assembly in Corvallis. There I got to visit with the pledge girls and the rainbow girls and at St. Mary's they have special system this term where they alternate which office the girls hold so that they get practice with all of the ritual parts. I visited Mt. Scott on my second to last meeting and got to see all of their girls rock their ritual parts and I was especially proud of their younger girls for doing so well and being so dedicated to their assembly. My last visit will be to my home assembly during their Christmas Party which should be a blast.