Friday, October 7, 2011

Grand Worthy Advisor Reception

Wow, I mean it has been days and I am still saying "Wow!" that is how amazing the whole experience was. I cannot believe that room was so full and that we had to bring in so many chairs. I'm trying to think of where to start but even the beginning doesn't seem quite right. When we arrived it was already a mad house, there were so many people there it was crazy in the best sort of way. The auction looked amazing, there were so many wonderful items to bid on, I can't believe I didn't have more time to look or bid for myself. Then there was the dinner which was put on by the State Miss Service team. Not only was it delicious, but there were so many people. They did an amazing job and I am so thankful to them for taking on that responsibility and doing such a fabulous job at it. Now moving on to the actual reception. It is hard to know what to say. I feel so blessed and honored that so many people were there. It was completely overwhelming in the best sort of way to walk into that room. I am so proud of Stephannie and all of the hard work that she put into introductions because I know how difficult they can be and she did an absolutely fabulous job. Then there was HeadBand, they were so amazing but there were moments when I imagined that this is what the Beatles in Shea Stadium must have been like because of all of the excited screaming girls. The addenda were so much fun, although I was a little disappointed when the ball shooter gun wouldn't work but then I got to pop balloons and money came out which was pretty awesome. The Grand Officers had me looking so silly with my sun screen, floaties and my crazy hat but they know that I would do anything for them so it all works out well. Giving my speech was probably one of the most exciting/scary/nerve-racking things that I have ever done. The entire week leading up to it I was bound and determined to re-write my speech because I was so afraid of singing in public. The day of I spent the entire ride to and from Vancouver telling my mom "I'm not gonna do it, I can't do it, I can't sing, I have to re write it, I'll make it up on the spot" some variation of those sentences over and over and over again. In the end though I did it, I was shaking like a leaf in a hurricane but I did it and I am so glad that I did because I really meant what I said that it is so important to face your fears because most of the time there is no reason to be afraid of them. I am especially glad that I can shout from the rooftops now that BRYANNA IS MY PAGE! It has been so hard to keep this surprise from her because she had already been acting like my page and has been so wonderful. I was humbled by all of the dignitaries and I could spend all day typing all sorts of wonderful things about them but instead I will just say that I appreciate them all so much. I want to thank everyone so much for being there and for all of their donations to my service project. I can't wait to see everyone again at Emma's reception!