Sunday, August 14, 2011

Grandie Retreat

I don't even know where to begin, actually I do. The first thing I'd like to do is make some "Thank yous" especially to all of the wonderful people who worked in the kitchen, the rockstar adults who made Human Clue the best game ever, and to everyone who put time and effort into making this weekend the success that it was. I am fully aware that I could not have done this without help and so I really want to make sure that they all know how much gratitude I have for them and for the work that they do, it often goes unnoticed and they really don't deserve that.

From beginning to end, Grandie Retreat was amazing. The Grand Officers were so willing to roll with all of the crazy things I had plan and so that made it lots and lots of fun with little bits of work thrown in. Friday night was all about Grand Officer bonding and so we took a quick field trip to the park, then we worked on our Grandie Song, played some get to know you games, watched a presentation from Mrs. Metz and Maranda on the things that they learned during the supreme seminar. Finally before bed we played an exciting round of the Shout About TV Trivia game.

Saturday was a big big big day. Multiple instructions with Mrs. Lovelin. Lots of information about all of the amazing programs going on within Oregon Rainbow. Then it got to be dinner time and from dinner on I wanted to make sure it was all about the girls. Dinner was special because we had dinner and a movie, we watched Princess and the Frog and I didn't realize how great it was but that was just enough break time for everyone to do the things they needed to, some people napped, some people enjoyed the movie, some people talked and ate ice cream, I ran around making more preparations and organizing and just being ridiculous. After Princess and the Frog, we did a super quick FISH philosophy workshop. The FISH philosophy is about 4 principles to good work and good customer service: play, make their day, choose your attitude and be there. I had seen the workshop a while ago and it was really important to me to be able to share it with all of my Grand Officers.

Then it was finally time. HUMAN CLUE! Oh my goodness, I could not have pictured that game going any better. The characters were hilarious. Anjee as the Sheriff was enough entertainment for the whole weekend, the girls would always try and run away from her but she caught them every time. I knew she was the best person to pick to make them do silly things but really the secrets revealed in "Tell Mr./Mrs. Noah something weird about yourself" were crazier than I ever imagined.

We finished the night by having Storytime with Malika, voting on a Grand Officer Song and having a pajama devotional service.

Sunday was a little more instruction time with Mrs. Lovelin and then a rockin' mystery trip to the beach.

Overall, this will probably be one of my favorite memories ever and I really hope the Grand Officers feel the same.